Writer Dad

Happy Friday the 13th!

Most days, I pick up my son from day care. I’m always curios about what he does all day long, but he never used to want to spill the juicy details about his day.

Now, at five years old, he does. He tells me stories on the short commute back to our house. And, they usually start off as true. He loves to tell me long and involved tales about his classmates getting into trouble.

But quickly the stories veer off into his imagination, and that’s the part I love. As an author and storyteller, I like to nudge him toward allowing his creativity to take over.

He told me a story about a naughty classmate who escaped from the school by sneaking out over a broom leaning against the playground fence.

Soon enough, they were all locked inside the school. So, I asked him, “If you were locked inside the school, how did you get out?”

He thought on it a moment, then said, “We made a key.”

Don’t you love stories?

Primary Target Short Film

Have you seen the silly movie we made yet? Nick Thacker, Roland Denzel, David Wood!


Primary Target On Sale

Have you started this kickass series yet?

Have a great day!